Training for Circular Economy in the Construction and Furniture Sectors

Students from University of Aveiro showcase projects at furniture and lighting fair in Portugal

Students enrolled in the first edition of the curricular unit Product Design within Circular Economy where invited to present the results of their furniture projects at the Export Home fair, held in Porto, from the 13th to the 17th February.

Within the scope of the KATCH_e project, students where in contact with some of the materials developed within the consortium, also benefiting from an innovative multidisciplinary approach to teaching regarding circular economy principles. Throughout the semester, students developed 3 proposals furniture pieces applying cork and other materials such as wood or metal.

The prototypes developed with the support of Amorim Cork Composites and Design Factory Aveiro where the result of the work of multidisciplinary groups of students from different master’s degrees at the University of Aveiro.

Group 1 Project: THEYCARE

Table with cork cover and stainless steel structure for use within senior care faciliies. Designed to be modular and adaptative.

Daniela Gomes; Vânia Lufilakio; Catarina Araújo; Erica Bernardino; Marisa Conceição; Pedro Lopes

Group 2 Project: DOUBLESKIN

Support table/ computer tray with cork and wood. Designed for the domestic space and to be multifunctional.

Maria Vieira; Raquel Ribeiro; Carolina Valadas; Catarina Almeida; Alexandre Costa; Nathaniel Roque

Group 3 Project: BECORK

Bench for public spaces with cork and stainless steel. Designed to be modular and to optimize materials use through the design.

Flávia Freire; Daniela Fernandes; Ana Rocha; Gervásio Melo; Daniela Bernardes; Ricardo Silveira; Rita Silva

Teresa Franqueira, coordinator of the curricular unit at the University of Aveiro, highlighted this opportunity of presenting the results of academic projects in an industry specific event. It is of relevance that the projects drawn some interest of professionals that visited the fair.

Official page of the Fair: