Formação em economia circular nos setores da construção e do mobiliário

This e-book is part of the training materials developed in the KATCH_e project. The book presents a compilation of the eight theoretical modules (here shown as chapters) written by the consortium, which are organised according to four main areas:

1. Basics: Basic knowledge on circular economy that supports the understanding of the other training materials;
2. Business: The business approach, required for the success of new, more circular and sustainable products or product-services;
3. Design: Product and product-service system design according to circularity and sustainability criteria; and
4. Assessment and communication: A support area with contents regarding assessment and communication in circular economy with a life cycle perspective.

Method for identification and engagement of stakeholders

Identification and connecting with relevant stakeholders is an ongoing, dynamic process during the entire project period. Activities planned for in other work packages, including testing, training and development of cases, form an integrated part of the stakeholder engagement, even if these activities are not planned for through the stakeholder engagement methodology. This document describes the method used throughout the KATCH_e project.

Report on National Stakeholder Workshop III

The third of the planned three KATCH_e stakeholder workshops were held in all four countries in in the period May 2019 – November 2019 with a total of 133 participants representing primarily the main KATCH_e project target groups: Higher education, Business community and Knowledge centres.

Report on National Stakeholder Workshop II

The second of the planned three KATCHe stakeholder workshops were held in all four countries in in the period December 2018 – February 2019 with a total of 150 participants representing primarily the main KATCHe project target groups: Higher education, Business community and Knowledge centres.

Report on National Stakeholder Workshop I

The first of the planned three KATCH_e national stakeholder workshops were held in all four countries in June 2017 with a total of 100 participants representing primarily the main KATCHe project target groups: Higher education, Business community and Knowledge centres.

Overview of the KATCH_e Modules and Tools

A description of the 8 modules and 7 tools to be used in academic teachings, in-classroom context, as well as in companies.

Executive Summary of the Situation Analysis

This document contains a summary of the situation analysis report conducted during the first stage of the KATCH_e project. The outputs from this analysis have helped define the structure and contents of the KATCH_e didactic material.

Situation Analysis Report

The Situation Analysis report contains the main outputs of an analysis of the training and competence needs and gaps on topics related to circular economy. The key findings of the review and recommendations for future developments and research are included in the present report.

Main results of the training needs and state of the art

Presentation of the State of the Art results at the ERSCP 2017 Conference in Skiathos (Greece)

Overview of the training needs, state of the art

Paper for the 18th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production Conference (ERSCP 2017)

KATCH_e: Introducing circular economy into higher-education design curricula

Project’s brochure

Learn more about the KATCH_e project downloading the brochure. The brochure of the project includes its main objectives, methodology related contents and expected results.