Formação em economia circular nos setores da construção e do mobiliário

New ERASMUS+ project: KATCH_e

The newly launched ERASMUS+ project KATCH_e addresses the challenge of reinforcing the skills and competences in the field of product-service development for the circular economy and sustainability in the construction and furniture sectors.

KATCH_e is a knowledge alliance bringing together partners from four EU countries that cooperate in the development and testing of an innovative, problem-based multidisciplinary course, a MOOC as well as product-service development tools for circular economy and sustainability.

KATCH_e is a 3-year EU funded project that was launched in January 2017 and is part of the ERASMUS+ programme of Knowledge Alliances. This key action is aimed at strengthening Europe’s innovation capacity and at fostering innovation in higher education and business.

Relevant target groups are the universities, including students, professors and researchers; the business community, including companies and business organizations; and knowledge centres, including consultants and technological centres.