Formação em economia circular nos setores da construção e do mobiliário

Madrid approves the Waste Prevention and Management Strategy to achieve circular economy objectives

Madrid City Council has definitively approved the Waste Prevention and Management Strategy 2018-2022, drawn up by the Environment and Mobility Area. The aim of this document is to lay the foundations for achieving zero waste and a circular economy in the future.
The final text, which began to be drawn up in September, includes the commitment to draw up an ordinance against odoriferous pollution, incorporates the obligation to provide a deposit to the promoters of private events to ensure proper waste management and increases the provision of nearby clean points in the vicinity of shopping and hotel areas.
With a budget of 1,554 million euros until 2022, the Waste Prevention and Management Strategy is the tool destined to the transformation of waste management in the city of Madrid with the aim of minimizing those that are produced and better managing those that are generated, treating them as a resource, thus reducing their environmental impact.

Posted in CONSTRUIBLE-20/05/2019