Ausbildung zur Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bau- und Möbelbereich

FURN360: an e-learning course on circular economy for the Vocational Education Training of the furniture sector

The Erasmus+ project FURN360 arise with the goal to develop an European training curriculum and learning contents to implement strategies capable of facilitating the transition from a linear model to a circular model in the furniture sector.
The project consortium is formed by six associations from Belgium, Germany, Spain and Finland: EcoRes, a consultancy specialized in sustainability applied to organizations and is coordinating the project, the Innovative Business Association of Furniture Manufacturers of the Region of Murcia (AMUEBLA), the University of Vaasa, the Furniture Cluster and Innovation Habitat Center (CENFIM), the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Technological Centre of Furniture and Wood of the Region of Murcia (CETEM).
Among the expected results for FURN360 are:

  • Encourage the creation of ‚green‘ jobs and new business models along the value chain of the habitat sector.
  • Identify best practices currently implemented in the sector in relation to the circular economy for its analysis and dissemination.
  • Create flexible learning resources, capable of providing, evaluating and recognizing the key competences identified in the habitat sector in relation to circular economy.

By now, the FURN360 project partners have defined the Joint Curriculum of the future training on circular economy for the wood and furniture sectors based on a previous research on the industry needs. The proposed FURN360 Joint Curriculum has been validated by near 20 experts and companies around Europe, through several interviews and a survey.
The future training course will be structured in 7 different modules, addressing different key topics, such as the principles of the circular economy, circular business models, tools for a circular furniture company, circular marketing, and implementation of last technologies towards a circular industry.

The e-learning course will have an interactive methodology, with the use of videos and infographics. It is planned that the course will be available next October.