Ausbildung zur Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bau- und Möbelbereich

The first Spanish KATCH_e Workshop takes place in Castellon

22 participants attended the workshop organized in Castellon on June 20, 2017 by the 3 Spanish partners of the KATCH_e project: UJI (Universidad Jaume I), ITC (Instituto Tecnológico de la Cerámica) and Prospektiker (Instituto de Prospectiva). In total 5 students, 5 researches, 6 people from companies and 6 designers had the opportunity to discuss the major issues concerning the Education and Training for Circular Economy in the Construction and Furniture Sectors.

During the session that lasted more than 3 hours, the workshop participants were divided into five groups. First, they worked individually and then, they discuss their opinions and the ones from other groups. Together they discussed the following questions:

  • Which options do you think that would make companies work in a more circular way?
  • What methods and tools are good to implement circular options in companies?
  • Which barriers and difficulties do you find to implement circular options in companies?
  • What are the ways to encourage the transition to Circular Economy?
  • Which type of training needs do you identify to facilitate the implementation of Circular Economy?

The five groups worked with the same questions during the first round, and then in the second round, they got the chance to find out about the others’ conclusions and they had to assess them, grading the relevance of each of the findings.