The Circular Economy Partnership’s Draft Action Plan
The Circular Economy Partnership is working on developing an Action Plan with concrete actions to realize a city where residents and entrepreneurs do not think in terms of waste, but…
The Circular Economy Partnership is working on developing an Action Plan with concrete actions to realize a city where residents and entrepreneurs do not think in terms of waste, but…
In this report, the primary focus is to analyse how to achieve full bioeconomy potential and bridge the on-going research to industrial implementation. In the analysis, we have mainly focused…
The implementation of the circular economy in the companies of the Basque industrial sector would reduce the consumption of raw materials by 6% and would imply an economic saving of…
Ihobe, agency of environment, belonging to the Department of Environment, Territorial Planning and Housing of the Basque Government has selected 19 projects to develop circular economy remanufacturing, recovering and recycling…
HOW TO PROMOTE THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY? INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON NATIONAL CIRCULAR ECONOMY STRATEGIES Madrid, March 21, 2018 In 2015, the European Commission designed its Action Plan for the Circular Economy…
What is the role of the Ecodesign Directive in reaching climate and resource efficiency objectives in Europe? Evaluations show that the Ecodesign Directive is one of the best performing European…
One of the main barriers to renovation is the lack of knowledge about what measures to implement and in which order. Building renovation is often considered a burden that many…
Resource productivity and waste recovery indicators show that Portugal is below the European average. Despite the targets and actions plans set by most of national waste management plans, there has…
The work on the Sustainable Urban Drainage System, which uses ceramics of low commercial value within the European LIFE CERSUDS project, which is being coordinated by the Instituto de Tecnología…