Cirkulær økonomi i uddannelse og erhverv

The KATCH_e Knowledge Platform is now online

The Knowledge Platform is currently being populated with all the materials and outcomes of the projects. The learning materials can be accessed through the project’s website and users have to register the first time they log in. All the contents are available for free.

The Platform is divided in 3 sections, the first one being the MOOC, the massive open online course we have developed, the second section contains the training materials where you can find the KATCH_e modules and tools and a third section where we have support material such as the database of examples and the case studies.

We have created a 10 hour course based on our training modules. When accessing a certain topic, the user first finds the learning objectives of a particular course and an introductory video of the topic explaining what the user will find in the course.
The user then finds one video per chapter, where a narrator explains the module by summarising the different chapters. Next, there are two tabs, one with the table of contents of the course and another one with information on the authors of the course. And finally a last part where we find the KATCH_e tools or tool that directly relate to the course as well as the case studies.
Lastly we provide the user the opportunity to test their knowledge by completing an online quiz.

When clicking on Modules, we will find the 8 KATCH_e modules, each one with a brief description of the contents and the option to download the full version in pdf.
Likewise with the tools, you access the tools section and you find the 7 KATCH_e tools and for each one of them you either gain access to the online tool or you download the tool itself if it is an Excel tool or printable pdfs.

And finally the section of other resources, where the user finds the support material for teaching as well as for learning.
If we access the case studies area, we find a list of downloadable experiences on the use of our training materials by real companies and universities. Although we have already conducted the piloting and testing we are still showcasing the cases, so little by little we will be populating this area with at least 16 case studies.
And another helpful section is the database of examples where you can download the examples we have used throughout the modules, these are good practices and projects from reference companies

We are still finalizing some outputs so in the knowledge platform you will now find some parts that have not yet been completed. We estimate that by next month everything will be finished.

We welcome you to register and start surfing the Knowledge Platform