Cirkulær økonomi i uddannelse og erhverv

The CE Strategist presented at Barcelona

Stephan Schmidt from Vienna University of Technology presented the CE Strategist on Friday October 18 at the ERSCP Conference in Barcelona.
The CE Strategist is a learning tool to identify new circular business opportunities and adapt the business model. The
Stephan Schmidt explained how the tool is used:

Step 1 – Evaluating circular opportunities: To start the process the user assesses a product or business to identify circular strategies that fit best to the predefined 11 circular business strategies.

Step 2 – Finding circular strategies, examples and design strategies: After assessing the opportunities the tool proposes a number of strategies to choose from (multiple choices are possible and encouraged). The tool shows a definition of each strategy, provides existing business examples and shows how the strategies are connected to certain Design Strategies (which can then be further assessed with the CE Designer tool).

Step 3 – Defining a Circular Business Model: The last step concerns the definition of a business model. For this purpose, an adapted version of the Business Model Canvas framework is used. This Canvas also highlights the implications and effects of circular models in the form of questions. Furthermore, the template shows typical influences to consider which relate to the selected strategies from Step 2.

If you want to use the tool, click here.