Cirkulær økonomi i uddannelse og erhverv

Product Designer promoted workshop for furniture development with students at the University of Aveiro

On the 19th November, students enrolled in the course unit: Product Design within Circular Economy at the University of Aveiro took part in a workshop mentored by the Designer Toni Grilo at Design Factory Aveiro. Toni Grilo is a Designer and Art Director that works with international companies developing several furniture related projects. During the workshop, and after the presentation of his own projects made with cork, he supervised the students’ group projects, providing valuable contributions regarding market needs and production constraints.

At the end of the session, students also got to learn about a new innovative fixing system represented by the Portuguese company PECOL, a partner of Design Factory Aveiro that develops assembly and fixing products, systems and solutions. This innovative new system, named Lamello, represents an advance on invisible joints applied in wood furniture. The possibility of transferring this technology from wood to cork opened new possibilities for the students’ furniture projects.