Cirkulær økonomi i uddannelse og erhverv

New edition of Green Factor Design Contest awards sustainable design proposals

The 5th edition of Green Factor Design Contest launches the challenge for young talents to create new 100% eco-sustainable and recyclable products (chair + bench or chair + desk) with wood. The theme of sustainability is very important for the Infiniti brand, so it will be appreciated works that minimize or eliminate the use of materials other than wood, minimizing the waste of material and space.

The challenge is launched to young designers and students from around the world who were born after 1/1/1982. The participant, individually or in groups, can submit more than one project.

The most innovative product receives a prize in the amount of 5 thousand euros and the opportunity to industrialize the products with the help of Infiniti. The winner will be announced in November 2017.

More information can be found on the contest website (, or requested by email: or