Cirkulær økonomi i uddannelse og erhverv


The KATCH_e consortium is currently in the process of finalising the draft versions of the tools and preparing them for the testing phase. The following introduction should give a short overview of the purpose of these tools. From the seven tools, three are going to be selected to be implemented and programmed for the web. If you are interested in one of these tools, like to test them, or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Circular Business Strategy Finder

This tool helps users to find appropriate business strategies in order to capture value along a products’ life cycle and provides examples to better understand these strategies. Furthermore it shows how different elements of a Business Model are influenced by these strategies.

Circular Design Strategies

The design checklists give an overview of ten different circular design strategies and links them with criteria. The user has the chance to evaluate different design options and find options for improvement.

The Circular Economy Journey Canvas

This tool is designed as a Canvas which showcases the journey of a product through its life cycle and the interaction during these phases with different stakeholders (such as manufacturers, users, vendors, etc.). It provides a creative template for discussing different CE opportunities.

The Circularity Indicator

This Excel tool provides a methodology to quantify and compare the circularity of a given product. The result ranges from 1 (=product cycles infinitely without losses) to 0 (=product with short life time is discarded without any recovery). The methodology builds on the existing Material Circularity Indicator from Granta.

The CE Strategy Selector

This Excel tool provides a small database to calculate the Carbon Footprint of a given “linear” product. From this data the tool can identify how beneficial certain circular scenarios are (repair, reuse, etc.) and calculate the differences of the carbon footprint when these scenarios are applied.

The Value Chain Tool

This tool helps designers and other company professionals to analyse the current value chain of a company and prioritise and involve the most relevant stakeholders for the implementation of a certain CE strategy of project.

Jump Into CE – Board Game

The board game presents its players with a specific product design challenge and guides them through different key stages to identify sustainable solutions. It is intended to be used in student or workshop groups.