Cirkulær økonomi i uddannelse og erhverv

Katch_e workshop with students of the Basque Ecodesign Hub

The Spanish second workshop in the framework of the KATCH_e project took place on December 11, and was organized by Prospektiker, together with the University Jaume I and the Technological Institute of Ceramics (ITC) of Castellón.
This workshop was held in Bilbao at the Basque Ecodesign Hub managed by IHOBE (the Basque Environmental Agency), and was aimed not only to present the progress of the training materials that are being developed so far, but to share with the students of the Ecodesign Hub the Katch_Up tool and teach them Circular Economy in a practical way, in the form of a board game.

A total of 19 students and 1 teacher participated in the Workshop and had the opportunity to work in groups in the development of a product / service based on the principles of the circular economy, considering both the most appropriate design strategies, as well as business models and strategies to launch to the market.
The students gave great feedback, and we highlight the fact that they were surprised so as to how easily ideas were flowing, very innovative value ideas. They also liked working in groups, the possibility to use real business cases, how it can be extrapolated to other areas, such as support for other tools, and finally that the tool was very good to organize information to get innovative ideas.