Cirkulær økonomi i uddannelse og erhverv

Open Source Circular Economy Days Berlin

From 14 to 16 Jun 2018 in Berlin, Germany. The „OSCEdays Berlin“ event is part of a global movement towards sustainability. In the past years, it gathered people from politics,…

Holland Circular Economy Week 2018

To enhance international knowledge sharing and business opportunities, Holland Circular Hotspot facilitates Dutch CE invention site visits and networking events with one-on-one meet ups and matchmaking. Not to mention great…

New EU rules to reduce marine litter

With the amount of harmful plastic litter in oceans and seas growing ever greater, the European Commission proposed today new EU-wide rules to target the 10 single-use plastic products most…


On May 9th ARA Innovation Space hosted a speed dating event on circular design. Rainer Pamminger (Vienna University of Technology) were invited to lead a table discussing the circular design…

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