Cirkulær økonomi i uddannelse og erhverv

AbBau Project for Waste prevention in the building sector

Two of the Austrian KATCH_e-partners (Technical University Vienna, TUV and the Austrian Institute of Ecology, AIE) already started working on a two-year follow up project, aiming to further disseminate contents of the course developed for KATCH_e. In the project named “AbBau” (a german Acronym meaning “Waste prevention in the building sector”) the partners work together with secondary technical schools which focus particularly on the construction sector. The aim is to develop and apply educational materials for their needs, covering topics such as CE in general, Business Models, Selective Dismantling and Ecodesign. Currently the partners are in the process of interviewing the heads of constructional departments of interested schools. The aim of this task is to get a good sense of the existing knowledge gaps, possibilities of cooperation and the design of materials. The website of the Ecodesign Department of the TUV ( will post updates regarding the project progress.