Cirkulær økonomi i uddannelse og erhverv

22nd European Forum on Eco-innovation: Closing the Loop – delivering circularity in the textiles sector

The 22nd European Forum on Eco-innovation will be held in Vienna, Austria, on 7-8 May, 2019. The Forum will explore eco-innovation solutions and policies for improving circularity in the textiles sector. It will bring together companies, public authorities, financiers, NGOs, innovators and researchers that are working on developing and deploying effective new technologies, innovative business and governance models, and policies that can deliver a circular textiles economy.

The event will showcase companies and private and public sector initiatives in support of innovative solutions that make the textiles sector more circular throughout the whole product life-cycle. The presentations and the discussions will explore what has worked well and why, where the bottlenecks are, and how the enabling environment needs to change so that the right innovations are developed and put in place.

An important objective of the event will be to formulate recommendations for future policy measures and instruments for the European Commission and public authorities on the national and local level.