Cirkulær økonomi i uddannelse og erhverv

Circular Construction E-course on Prevention and Valuation of Construction and Demolition Waste

Promoted in Portugal by the Smart Waste Portugal association, a stakeholder of the KATCH_e project, it is an e-learning course organized under the Circular Construction Project – Construction and Demolition Waste Prevention, which aims to promote education and awareness directed at the various agents along the chain associated with the construction and demolition waste, supporting their interaction, in order to promote a more sustainable chain of value, in line with the principles of circular economy. This project was funded by the program: Supporting a New Environmental Economy of the Portuguese Environmental Fund.

The course will cover the following topics: Introduction to Construction and Demolition Waste; processing and treatment of construction and demolition waste; Legislative framework and Quality Management and use of Construction and Demolition Waste in Construction.

Starting from the 1st February to the 1st March 2019, it is a free course with mandatory registration. The first edition counted with over 300 participants enrolled, showcasing the relevance of this thematic to the agents along the value chain associated with Construction and Demolition Waste and with Higher Education Students.

More information in Portuguese:

Promotional Videos of the Course (in Portuguese):