Training for Circular Economy in the Construction and Furniture Sectors

KATCH_e partners visit Højer Møbler’ learning spaces at a school in Aalborg

The partner Højer Møbler invited the KATCH_e consortium to visit a school in Aalborg. This school does not only have sustainable furniture, it has learning spaces, a brand new concept for most of the partners that were attentively listening to the explanations provided by Højer Møbler.
Højer Furniture A/S is a Danish company that are developing, producing and selling furniture’s for schools and other educational institutions. Besides supplying furniture’s for schools, Højer Møbler is also offering counseling to interior design (activating learning spaces), that supports the learning.
It means that instead of just having the “normal” five rows of furniture in the classroom (made from the point of view that all children are equal – physically and mentally) the classroom are design to give the best opportunities for all students – that have different needs regarding learning space.
The partners were very interested in this new concept that differs so much from what we are used to back in our own countries.