Training for Circular Economy in the Construction and Furniture Sectors

Portuguese KATCH_e partners promote Workshop on Product Design in Circular Economy at the University of Aveiro

On May 2, 2018, a new multidisciplinary curricular unit of the University of Aveiro (UA) will be presented to the students, in a event that includes a workshop with Portuguese Product Designers.
The curricular unit, that will be available as an optional course to UA master’s students, is entitled: Product Design within Circular Economy, and is one of the outcomes of the University of Aveiro’s participation in the KATCH_e project.

Also participating are the coordinators of the project – LNEG, with a presentation about the results of the project and the resources that will be available to the students community; and Amorim Cork Composites, another partner of the project that will integrate students from UA in a internship, and also will provide raw material for the participants work on this day.

This workshop purposes to highlight the contributions of various fields of study to the development of innovative products towards Circular Economy, and is intended for all Master’s students from Design, Economics, Management, Engineering and Industrial Management, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Sustainable Energy Systems and Chemical Engineering, among others who wish to participate.

Participation is free but requires registration until April 16th.

Registrations can be made through the link

or through the email:

More informations on the programme (in portuguese) here: