Cirkulær økonomi i uddannelse og erhverv

WHISHWORKS helps SUEZ to bring innovation to their business model

SUEZ, recycling and recovery UK, needed a new enterprise-level platform that would provide a better performance to accelerate the initiatives of the company towards facilitating a circular economy.
SUEZ selected MuleSoft’s strategic partner WHISHWORKS to implement its Mule Soft Anypoint PlatformTM. WHISHWORKS is a global IT services and consulting company, specializing in systems integration and Big Data analytics since 2008, and its team has been working with Suez, helping them to speed up the integration process across the different systems of the organization.
With this platform, SUEZ is now able to build an application network and create a fully integrated ecosystem. SUEZ pointed out that “society is at the dawn of a resource revolution and that technology has a huge role to play in creating a more sustainable future.”
See all the information here: