Cirkulær økonomi i uddannelse og erhverv

Outlining the training modules for circular economy

After identifying the training necessities of companies and analysing the educational offer and needs of the target sectors the KATCH_e team started to sketch the theoretical and practical content of the training course. The modules will be arranged in the following framework:
– Basic Principles
– Design
– Business
– Stakeholders.

The course will be composed of ten modules (draft version):
1. Introduction to Circular Economy
2. Life cycle perspective
3. Design for Circular Economy
4. Radical innovation, co-creation and open source design
5. Materials, products and processes for Circular Economy
6. Business Models for a Circular Economy
7. Value chains in a Circular Economy
8. Communication
9. Circular Economy policies and regulation
10. Consumption patterns and market trends
While the elaboration of the learning content is at its initial state and leaves much room for general as well as sector specific views, the central question the project team is dealing with is: Which are the most important aspects for students to learn? Are there any important gaps? How to deal with national settings and construction and furniture specific challenges? Stakeholder consultation will support this very important orientation and decision stage of content development.