Formação em economia circular nos setores da construção e do mobiliário

Creative Pier of Costa Nova – Ílhavo receives Portuguese National Prize for Architecture in Wood 2017

An Honorable Mention was given to the Costa Nova Creative Pier, under the 2017 National Architecture Prize in Madeira (PNAM). The PNAM was created by a joint initiative of several entities, in the context of the commemorations of the International Year of Forests, which took place in 2011.

The jury, composed of personalities appointed by the Order of Architects, by the Architecture Department of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, by the Order of Architects – Regional Section of the North and Regional Section of the South, by LNEC – National Laboratory of Civil Engineering and by Balbino and Faustino, attributed an Honorable Mention for the Structural Quality of the Work.

Inaugurated in January 2016, the Creative Pier is located on the seafront of Costa Nova, on the dunes, and is connected to this beach by wooden walkways, being also totally built of wood (the exterior – “rough” and reminding an inverted ship, contrasting with the interior – “soft”, white and gentle).