Ausbildung zur Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bau- und Möbelbereich

Second international partner meeting in Spain on 21-22 June 2017

The KATCH_e partners met once again on June 21 and 22, 2017, this time in Spain, by the Mediterranean Sea, in Castellon. This was a key 2 day meeting where partners started structuring the curriculum and building the framework of the training modules. The contents and topics of the modules were discussed in a brainstorming session. The main concern of the partners was how to develop new materials in a more innovative way, promoting the broader use of them. The developed materials will then be used by the partnership in the test phase, and after released, by all relevant and interested stakeholders.

Partners also discussed how to finalise the tasks and use the WP2 results. Another critical point was the discussion on how to engage stakeholders between workshops, bringing up ideas and initiatives to involve them.

The management issues of the project were of course addressed, facilitating the coordination between partners and a more clear definition of all tasks of the project.

The next partner meeting will take place at Wien, Austria in January 2018.